Allocations Committee

This Committee creates grant applications and timelines and reviews all grants, proposals, and awards for funding throughout the Foundation. They are responsible for recommending acceptance of all grant proposals, and allocations for funding any items through the Foundation, with the approval of the Board of Directors. They allocate funds out of the Foundation in support of the Foundation’s mission.

Finance Committee

The Committee advises Board of Directors on any matters relating to the financial operation of the Foundation, prepares the annual budget of the Foundation, and advises the Board of Directors on any investments of Foundation funds.

Fundraising Committee

This committee advises the Board of Directors on and directs the solicitation of funds and contributions to the Foundation. This committee develops funding strategies and advises, structures, and implements annual fundraising activities of the Foundation as directed by the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The Fundraising Committee is also responsible for working in conjunction with the Foundation’s Treasurer to ensure that donations solicited and received are receipted according to state and federal laws and that all proper fundraising licenses and permits are obtained as needed.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and is composed of at least three (3) Directors to present all nominations to the Board of Directors for Foundation action.

Public Relations Committee

This committee acts as an information center for the Foundation. This committee formulates, develops, implements, and executes public relations and information campaigns to promote public, private, and corporate acceptance of the Foundation, as well as assist the Finance and Fundraising committees in the annual campaign of funding for the Foundation.  Social media correspondence also falls under this committee.

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee researches legislation (current and proposed) that has the potential to impact the students of West Milford. Activities include initiating letter-writing campaigns, meetings with elected officials, and educating the greater community on how they can advocate for the best interests for the students.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee ensures that the annual audit of the Foundation and annual filing of the IRS 990 occurs as required by the Foundation's bylaws. The following cannot be members of the Audit Committee: any member of the Finance or Fundraising Committees; the Treasurer; and the Directors authorized to sign checks and negotiable instruments on behalf of the Foundation. 

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for the review and updating of bylaws as needed from time to time, the formation of policies and procedures, and conducting an annual orientation for all new board members.

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